Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Going into this project, we had deliver a constructivist style poster to show propaganda. My sketches included something I liked, something I wanted to have a message for, and the one was something I want to have passion for. These are the sketches I have came up with.

After talking with the professor, the whole design concept of the 2nd sketch sounded good and I decided to go forth with that one. Originally I have the "dab tool" going through the brain, however that gave off a wrong message as negative, so I ended up having the tool just in front of the image.

I mainly enjoyed doing this project for the most part, but I had issues when putting the vector of the hand and dab tool on the image. I created the vector in another document and when I moved it over, Illustrator crashed on me. I did not save the vector created so I ended up creating that again. Then I brought it in for a 2nd time and crashed again. Luckily I had saved the image so I did it again and it had worked.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take screenshots while working on it, so here is the finished image.

I am really pleased with the outcome of this project and I can see myself doing more Propaganda posters in the future.

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