Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I have never designed a magazine so I thought this one would be interesting. I had sketched of a travel magazine, snorkeling, and lighthouses. I contemplated between the images and I thought the design of the lighthouse looked cool.

I began messing around with the main font of the name of the magazine "Lighthouse Weekly".

With the text going behind the lighthouse, but still being visible through the glass added a neat effect I thought.

I forgot to take screenshots throughout the project so here is the final.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Beer Label

This project was an interesting one because it relates to us college kids. We got to have fun with this project, while also reserving the style of art nouveau.

I came up with 3 completely different designs and sketches to have a variety to choose my final from.

Here are those 3 sketches:

I think all of the 3 concepts were good ideas, but I ended up choosing the Olta beer label.
The reason behind that was because I already done a Cannabis logo and I enjoyed the composition of the Olta label. 

This project was fairly simple, as we were just recreating our drawing on the computer.
I ended up messing around with slightly different designs also and came up with this label.

The guidelines to the project also called for 2 other labels for your brand. I got inspiration from Blue Moon's different seasonal beers and created a Christmas Holiday Edition & Pumpkin Spice Edition.

Here are what the other labels turned out to:

I like how these turned out and can see them on a beer people would drink.


When hearing we will be doing a rotoscoping project, I started confused, until after seeing examples, I was clarified on what "rotoscoping" is. I thought of a cool smoking video immediately, especially when the professor said you can create imaginary objects as well.

During this project, I'd say I had the more enjoyable/annoying moments in this class. I got to use the Wacom tablet which helped tremendously. I had fun creating the special effects and everything, however the fact of drawing almost the "same" contour lines image for 150+ frames. This project took over 20 hours and I definitely couldn't do it all in one sitting.

I think this video looks good and I was really excited with the way it turned out. I can see myself possibly adding other little effects in the future to make this video better, but I think it is completed as of now. This might be one of my most favorite projects I have done.


With this project having no guidelines to the theme besides the main multiplicity aspect, I had many different ideas to do. I ended up going with a streaker at a soccer game as my theme for the shot. My friend Rob helped me take the pictures as he was the man behind the camera.

This project only called for 20 pictures to start and I ended up having roughly 100 photos to chose from. With the abundance of photos, it took me a little longer choosing which "characters" of myself I would want to use, but in the end it was worth it.

Since I had so many pictures, I'm just going to show you the final product of this project. The hardest parts were keeping all the shadows intact and to make everything look natural.

I am very pleased with the way this one turn out and can see more like this being done.

Photo Restoration

After hearing we were restoring an old photograph, I texted my parent to see if they had any that were burned/torn up. They searched and couldn't find any, so my mom sent over a scan of my great grand parents, in which I printed out on glossy paper, and torn it apart.

Here is the image I restored:

With this also being the first major project in Photoshop, it was in my advantage because I have more knowledge in Photoshop than Illustrator or any other adobe software. 

This was one of my least favorite projects of this class though. I think that because you don't really get to express creativity and its more so just knowing what to do with the right tools.

These screenshots show some progress into the final:

This was the hardest part in my opinion. Getting the flowers to look good because of all the positive and negative space interacting with each other.

Overall, I think I did a really good job because you cannot really find any of the rips or tears in the restored image. Here is the completed image side by side with the old.


Going into this project, we had deliver a constructivist style poster to show propaganda. My sketches included something I liked, something I wanted to have a message for, and the one was something I want to have passion for. These are the sketches I have came up with.

After talking with the professor, the whole design concept of the 2nd sketch sounded good and I decided to go forth with that one. Originally I have the "dab tool" going through the brain, however that gave off a wrong message as negative, so I ended up having the tool just in front of the image.

I mainly enjoyed doing this project for the most part, but I had issues when putting the vector of the hand and dab tool on the image. I created the vector in another document and when I moved it over, Illustrator crashed on me. I did not save the vector created so I ended up creating that again. Then I brought it in for a 2nd time and crashed again. Luckily I had saved the image so I did it again and it had worked.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take screenshots while working on it, so here is the finished image.

I am really pleased with the outcome of this project and I can see myself doing more Propaganda posters in the future.